• Family,  Life

    2019: A Year in Review

    Another year down, another whirlwind survived. Here’s a snapshot of all the things the Robertsons did last year. What We’ve Learned: Flash: How to walk, run, talk, play, eat, get in kitchen cabinets, and steal remote controls. It’s been a busy year. Wonder Woman: How to push a switch button to play with toys. Batman: How to leverage cuteness for desired outcomes, most notably candy, happy meals, and IHOP. Superman: How to read independently. Mom: How to consistently(ish) write a blog. Dad: How to fit 4 kids, 4 car seats, 2 dogs, a dog kennel, 2 adults, a wheelchair, a double stroller, multiple suitcases, and a stash of medical supplies…

  • Hope,  Life,  Marriage

    Silly Traditions & New Resolutions

    Ten years ago, John and I rang in the new year/new decade on a snow-covered rooftop in Seoul. We took our dogs and two bottles of sparkling cider to the top of our apartment building and looked out across the skyline for fireworks. We couldn’t see any from our vantage point, but we laughed at our failed plan and enjoyed each other’s company anyway. As the clock struck midnight, we participated in our annual cider chug– a silly tradition started by my brother in the early 2000s. Each person cracks a bottle of sparkling cider or grape juice and races to drink their beverage first. The bottles had chilled in…

  • Family,  Life

    2018: A Year In Review

    What We’ve Learned: Flash: How to roll Wonder Woman: How to have better head control Batman: How to walk slowly and how to properly pronounce “D” and “T” words Superman: 20+ sight words Mom: How to create hand lettering and watercolor designs Dad: How to properly install bathroom light fixtures and plumbing What We’ve Loved: Flash: Mommy milk and older siblings Wonder Woman: Being a big sister Batman: A big house to run in Superman: Another baby in the home and riding a school bus Mom: Having the final baby and multiple family vacations Dad: Selling the house and having a significantly shorter commute What We’ve Accepted: Flash: Tummy time…