• Faith,  Family,  Life,  Marriage,  Mom Life,  Pressure

    What I’m Capable of

    I logged onto my gym app and looked at the workout for the next day. Heavy power cleans and wall balls. The first movement is weightlifting, using technique and strength to get a barbell from the floor to your shoulders; the goal was to go heavy that day. Power cleans happen to be my favorite movement in all of Crossfit. The second movement wasn’t heavy, per se, but exhausting and repetitive. You take a large, weighted ball, squat with it, and then stand up and throw it at a 10’ mark. You then catch it and go straight back into the squat of the next repetition and do this over…

  • Adoption,  Faith,  Family,  Life,  Mom Life

    Clingy Toddlers

    Sweet baby Flash isn’t such a baby anymore. At 18 months old, we’ve got a toddler in the house again, and this little boy lives up to his nickname. Turn your head for a second, and he’s gone, scaling furniture, digging through cabinets, and getting into mischief. He knows what he wants, and he goes after it. When he’s not getting what he wants, he’s quite vocal. I do believe he’s the most opinionated and expressive of the Robertson children. Heaven help us.  Aside from the yelling at me portion, I do love this phase. I love that Flash recognizes me as the one who meets his needs. I’m the…

  • Faith,  Family,  Friendship,  Grace,  Life,  Mom Life,  Pressure

    Angry Mommy

    I lost it. Like, really lost it. ‘It’ being my self-control, my patience, my compassion, my rational thinking, all gone. There was nothing redeemable about that moment with my child. In it, I was her, the genuinely crappy mom. I have my moments, and this was one.  If my emotions were animated, it would be as Cruella de Vil having a psychotic break with reality, eyes clouded by anger and driving this metaphorical car forward with my rage sure to end the exchange in a fiery crash. This isn’t the mom I want to be. This isn’t the mom I want my kids to have. Yet sometimes I find myself…

  • Faith,  Family,  Life,  Marriage,  Mom Life,  Pressure,  Special Needs Parenting

    Under Pressure

    I was excited walking into the first week of homework for a new-to-me Bible study on marriage. I’ve been doing women’s Bible studies for years on a variety of topics and books of the Bible, but this is the first time I have focused on my marriage with other women. Given the solid relationship John and I have enjoyed for over a decade, I was confident that this would simply build on our secure foundation. Fast forward to the second week of homework and I found myself sitting in my bed doing said homework amidst a pile of pillows and tears. I wanted to throw the book onto the floor,…

  • Family,  Life,  Mom Life

    You’ll Miss These Days

    I almost did it. I almost said the dreaded words, the ones you’re not supposed to say to a mom of young children. Ever. “You’ll miss these days.” I bit my tongue hard, refusing to let the thought in my head come out of my mouth. I’ve read enough blogs and Facebook vents to know no one wants to hear that. I was talking to a mom of two little girls, deep in the thick of the toddler-preschool years. Those years where your child is independent but not. Where they are exhausting and maddening and require your attention all day, and sometimes all night. Where your life revolves around being…

  • Faith,  Life,  Mom Life

    Mean Mommy

    I’ve got a confession to make. I’m a mean mom. Though it’s not exactly a secret. My kids have yelled it rather loudly, that’s how I know it’s true. I decided to see if I could discern a pattern, so I began to take note of the occasions the phrase was uttered. In the end, I wasn’t able to keep a running list because the reasons change with the breeze, too fast to keep up. Here’s a small sample: No, you can’t have candy for breakfast. No iPads before school. Stop fighting now because in 7.2 seconds someone will be hurt. No, I’m not buying you glasses, you don’t need…

  • Faith,  Family,  Grace,  Life,  Marriage,  Mom Life,  patience

    Fruit & Consequences

    My nephew sat at our kitchen table writing scripture, a consequence for something he had done. I sat across from him overseeing his progress. As children are known to do, he was whining and crying, arguing and bargaining, anything and everything he possibly could to get out of the simple task. “If I say it to you 5 times can I just write it 4 times?” “No.” “Grandpa lets me do it that way.” “I’m not.” Heavy sobs burst out, “but it’s so hard!” “I know.” “But I’ve been working real hard at not fighting this week.” “You have, I’m really proud of you.” “It’s taking so long and I’m…

  • Faith,  Family,  Mom Life

    Hide & Seek

    The summer night was dark and cool as we sat in our new backyard, the air oddly devoid of the humidity we’re accustomed to. One child sat on the steps counting and the other boys ran across the xeriscaped yard, feet crunching on the gravel and rocks. Their flashlights punctured through the dark night in jostled streaks and then went dark as they crouched into hiding places. They had until the count of 30 and then it was on. My husband and I sat comfortably in our green Adirondack chairs, ready to act as mediator and referee when necessary. It was often necessary. I wonder if my friends and I fought…

  • Friendship,  Life,  Mom Life

    The Ones Who Came Before

    I sat on the brown suede couch, body sunk deep in the well loved cushions. I needed a friend. Potty training was not going well. So much pee, so much poop, so much mess. He wasn’t getting it. I was exhausted and frustrated by the endless unproductive bathroom trips that resulted in a pee puddle on the floor 5 minutes later. I was also trying to juggle a 6 month old baby who wouldn’t sleep at night and somehow also keep up with the piles of smelly, urine soaked clothes. I was miserable and defeated. She gave me helpful advice, but most of all, she encouraged me. She rallied my…

  • Family,  Life,  Love,  Mom Life

    A Letter to My First Born

    Happy birthday to my first born. You made me a mommy, and six years ago I was privileged to meet you. When you took your first breaths your tiny arms flailed against the cold air; first sensations in this big world are overwhelming. I brought you to my chest, snuggled your soft skin to mine, and you settled into me. My world changed in that moment, and together we began our journey as mother and son. I marveled at the way that your tiny body had grown from a poppy seed to the perfect baby I held in my arms. Watching TV while you slept on my chest, I breathed…