Family,  Life

2019: A Year in Review

Another year down, another whirlwind survived. Here’s a snapshot of all the things the Robertsons did last year.

What We’ve Learned:

Flash: How to walk, run, talk, play, eat, get in kitchen cabinets, and steal remote controls. It’s been a busy year.

Wonder Woman: How to push a switch button to play with toys.

Batman: How to leverage cuteness for desired outcomes, most notably candy, happy meals, and IHOP.

Superman: How to read independently.

Mom: How to consistently(ish) write a blog.

Dad: How to fit 4 kids, 4 car seats, 2 dogs, a dog kennel, 2 adults, a wheelchair, a double stroller, multiple suitcases, and a stash of medical supplies in a minivan. [Insert Tetris theme]

What We’ve Loved:

Flash: Playing in any form of water- beach, pool, shower, tub, dog bowl, etc, and hanging with the big kids.

Wonder Woman: Taking tastes of food again, especially whipped cream and lollipops.

Batman: Going to IHOP with grandpa and getting chocolate funny face pancakes.

Superman: Having cousins around to play video games with.

Mom: Sharing a home with my parents, in particular, my mother who is a miracle worker with kids’ laundry.

Dad: Having a walk-in shower with rainfall showerhead.

What We’ve Accepted:

Flash: Snotty noses will always be wiped.

Wonder Woman: Even moving across the country won’t deter mom from therapy and appointments.

Batman: Candy is not an acceptable form of sustenance.

Superman: With increased age comes increased responsibility. 

Mom: Dairy is not my friend. It’s official.

Dad: Chaos reigns in the Robertson household.

What We’ve Missed:

Flash: Nothing. Life is good and happiness abounds.

Wonder Woman: Living somewhere that isn’t quite so frigid.

Batman: Friends; this social butterfly is hampered by an introverted mom who’s slow at making new friends.

Superman: Having tonsils.

Mom: Virginia and diapers with breastmilk poop.

Dad: Quiet time. Still. Always. Cherish it, you don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone. 

What We’ve Accomplished:

Flash: Turning 1 and becoming unstoppable. Pretty much nailed last year’s goal.

Wonder Woman: Turning 3 and having 0 unplanned hospital stays. 

Batman: Trying lots of new foods and not crying at dinner every night even though mom is the worst cook. 

Superman: Earning a school award for being kind, respectful, and hardworking, and being on the honor roll.

Mom: Unpacking a houseful of boxes in 2 weeks.

Dad: Installing a dishwasher with no leaks.

Mysteries that Remain Unsolved:

Flash: What is this word “no” and why do people say it to me?

Wonder Woman: Will mom ever stop driving me crazy?

Batman: Why can’t pajamas be worn 24/7?

Superman: Why is daily homework a thing?

Mom: Is it possible to have an enjoyable family dinner where people converse, actually eat, and no one complains about the food provided? Or is that just in the movies?

Dad: How in the world is the electric bill so high?

What We’re Hoping for the New Year:

Flash: Not telling. World domination plans cannot be divulged.

Wonder Woman: To make new friends in preschool and continue this healthy streak.

Batman: To eat more candy, always.

Superman: To finally lose a tooth.

Mom: For our home to be a place filled with love, kindness, coffee, and joy. Also, a little less yelling would be nice, it’s noisy around here. 

Dad: To discover the ultimate answer to life, the universe, and everything.

Happy New Year!   <3     Us